Importance of Root Canal Therapy in Preserving Natural Teeth

Importance of Root Canal Therapy in Preserving Natural Teeth

Posted by Brandon Barton Jul 23,2024

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A root canal treatment is a dental procedure designed to remove infected or damaged tissue inside a tooth, known as the pulp, to alleviate pain and restore the tooth's health. During the procedure, the dentist in Detroit, MI, cleans out the infected pulp, disinfects the inner chamber, and seals it to prevent further infection. This treatment is crucial for preserving natural teeth because it addresses deep infections that, if left untreated, could lead to tooth loss. By saving the tooth, root canal therapy maintains the integrity of your bite, supports adjacent teeth, and helps to maintain overall oral health, avoiding the need for more invasive solutions like tooth extraction and dental implants

Signs and Symptoms That You Might Need a Root Canal 

  • Persistent, intense pain while chewing or applying pressure, often indicating inflammation or infection within the tooth's pulp. 
  • Extended sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures can signal nerve damage even after the stimulus is removed. 
  • A tooth that becomes darker or discolored can suggest pulp damage or infection. 
  • Swelling in the gums near the affected tooth or tenderness in the surrounding area may indicate an infection spreading. 
  • Small, pimple-like bumps on the gums, known as dental abscesses, are signs of infection that may require a root canal. 
  • A tooth that has been cracked or chipped can expose the pulp to bacteria, potentially leading to infection. 
  • Pain or discomfort while eating, mainly when chewing on the affected side, can suggest pulp damage. 
  • Persistent bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth can be caused by infection or decay. 

The Root Canal Procedure 

The root canal procedure is a comprehensive treatment designed to save a severely infected or damaged tooth. The process begins with an initial consultation, during which the dentist or endodontist assesses the tooth's condition using X-rays and other diagnostic tools. Once it's determined that a root canal is necessary, the procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient remains comfortable and pain-free throughout. 

During the procedure, the dentist opens the tooth's crown to access the pulp chamber and root canals. The infected or damaged pulp is carefully removed using specialized instruments. The dentist then cleans and shapes the empty canals to remove any remaining bacteria and debris. This step is crucial for ensuring the infection is completely eradicated, and the tooth is properly prepared for filling. 

After cleaning, the dentist fills the root canals with a biocompatible gutta-percha material, which seals the space and prevents future infections. A temporary filling is sometimes placed to protect the tooth until a permanent restoration is applied. The final step involves placing a crown or permanent restoration on the tooth to restore its function and appearance. This crown helps to protect the tooth from further damage and ensures that it can continue to function normally. 

Depending on the case's complexity, the entire root canal procedure typically requires one to two visits. While the recovery period is usually straightforward, patients might experience some discomfort or mild pain for a few days, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Following the procedure, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the tooth remains healthy and functional. Contact us today to learn more.

How Root Canal Therapy Saves Teeth from Extraction 

Addressing Infection and Decay 

The primary goal of a root canal is to remove infection and decay from the tooth's pulp. The pulp, located in the center of the tooth, contains nerves and blood vessels that can become infected due to deep cavities, trauma, or other issues. If left untreated, this infection can lead to severe pain, swelling, and potentially tooth loss. Root canal therapy in Detroit, MI, cleans out the infected pulp, effectively addressing the root cause of these issues and preventing further damage. 

Preserving Tooth Structure 

By removing the infected pulp and disinfecting the root canals, the dentist can preserve the tooth's overall structure. After the infection is removed, the canals are filled with a biocompatible material to seal them and prevent future infections. The tooth is then restored with a crown or filling to restore its function and strength. This approach allows the patient to keep their natural tooth rather than opting for an extraction. 

Maintaining Functionality 

Root canal therapy helps to retain the tooth's functionality, enabling it to continue performing its essential role in chewing and biting. Extracting a tooth can lead to adjacent teeth misalignment, difficulty chewing, and changes in bite dynamics. By saving the tooth, root canal therapy maintains proper bite function and helps preserve overall dental health. 

Avoiding the Need for Replacement 

Removing a tooth necessitates replacing it with an artificial substitute, such as an implant, bridge, or denture. Each of these replacement options requires additional procedures, time, and cost. Root canal therapy eliminates the need for tooth replacement by allowing the patient to keep their natural tooth, thereby avoiding these extra steps and expenses. 

Reducing Pain and Discomfort 

While the idea of a root canal may sound daunting, the procedure is designed to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by the infection. Most patients experience significant relief from the pain following the treatment, which directly results from removing the infected tissue and treating the underlying issue. 

Enhancing Oral Health 

Saving a tooth through root canal therapy helps maintain overall oral health. It prevents the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and gums, which could otherwise lead to more extensive dental issues. Keeping a natural tooth contributes to a healthier mouth and reduces the risk of future dental complications. 


Root canal therapy is a crucial procedure that addresses infection and decay while preserving the natural tooth structure. Visit Brandon H. Barton Jr., D.D.S., P.C., at 11200 E McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI 48234, or call (313) 521-6400 to learn how root canal therapy can help you keep your tooth and improve your quality of life! 

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